What is Thermogenesis for Weight Loss and How to Achieve it?

The word Thermogenesis is derived from the Greek word thermos for heat.

Thermogenesis is the production of heat from within as a direct response to food.

This term can be used when describing facultative or adaptive processes that generate energy in the form of heat, and it also describes how our body produces more warmth than usual after eating.


What is Thermogenesis?

Thermogenesis is a process in which the body’s tissues produce heat that gradually increases your body’s temperature. This is what helps people lose weight because they use more calories just by being warm.

It can also be used for other purposes, such as treating hypothermia or speeding up metabolism.

The thermogenesis process is what helps people lose weight because they use more calories just by being warm. It can also be used for other purposes, such as treating hypothermia or speeding up metabolism.

One way to get the most benefit from your thermogenic activity is to do it in a cold environment so that you’re burning even more calories than usual and fighting off any feelings of laziness due to the low temperature outside.

Thermogenesis occurs when the body produces heat which gradually raises your core body temperature.

This increase in energy production uses extra calories; this process will immensely help someone with their fat loss goals! Our body burns more calories when we’re cold for several reasons.

During exercise, your muscles burn calories to provide energy. When a muscle contracts, it needs more energy, and it gets the calories from food.

However, some of the energy is lost as heat. That is why when you exercise, you start to sweat because you are getting hotter.

Thermogenesis is not just about increasing your metabolic rate and burning more fat; it can also be used for other purposes such as treating hypothermia or speeding up metabolism.

One way to get the most benefit from the thermogenic activity is to do it in a cold environment. You are burning even more calories than usual and fighting off any feelings of laziness due to the low temperature outside.

Another thing people may experience while doing Thermogenesis is an increase in their appetite; this often happens because there’s an increased amount of energy being generated, which needs fuel.

This feels great if someone wants to put on weight but doesn’t want too many carbs—eat protein instead.

Types of Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis can be divided into three types:

  1. EAT (Exercise Associated Thermogenesis)
  2. NEAT (Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis)
  3. DIT (Diet-Induced Thermogenesis)

Exercise Associated Thermogenesis

Exercise Associated Thermogenesis is a type of Thermogenesis that the act of exercise can induce.

Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis

Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis or NEAT is how tissues produce heat from energy sources other than physical activity and chemical reactions within cells, such as those involved with digestion.

Diet-Induced Thermogenesis

Diet-Induced Thermogenesis genesis happens when we consume food containing high levels of protein and carbohydrates. We eat more calories overall but feel less hungry due to this increased calorie intake level. This dieting technique should work better for people who are looking to lose weight.

Does Thermogenesis Help in Weight Loss?

Research has shown that Thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and other tissues can result in increased energy expenditure, leading to weight loss over time.

Thermogenesis is when your body burns calories to produce heat. This happens in a lot of ways, including exercise, diet and the temperature outside. Thermogenesis can cause weight loss because it increases how many calories you burn.

For instance, one study found that a person’s metabolic rate increased by between 11% and 18% when exposed to average cold temperatures for 30 minutes every day before breakfast for 12 weeks. That means those who experienced this lost an average of about two pounds more than people who just followed their usual routine during the same period.

In addition, BAT activation also increases adrenaline levels – which helps reduce appetite and fat synthesis and storage rates- while decreasing insulin production. Reducing insulin resistance is essentially what many weight-loss programs are designed to do, and BAT activation appears to be a fundamental way for this process.

Thermogenesis is also associated with the reduced production of inflammatory cytokines. This means that thermogenic fat burning may work in conjunction with other weight-loss strategies because it can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, too.

Thermogenesis and Weight Loss

How to Increase and Achieve Thermogenesis

There are ways to induce our body to achieve and increase the Thermogenesis in our body to burn more fat and achieve a perfect physique.

Thermogenesis is a process in which tissues produce heat that gradually increases the temperature of the body. The most significant contributor to Thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue.

It can be induced by eating food with a high thermic effect or deliberately through exercises such as running and biking to burn more calories during digestion and promote weight loss over time.

Nutrition & Diet

You can lose weight by changing your diet. You might not gain weight if you eat macronutrients (such as protein) that take more calories to process.

Eating foods with thermogenic substances can also help you lose weight. These substances include capsaicin, caffeine, and catechins from green tea.

Eating a diet with these substances will help you lose weight even if you don’t change other things in your life.

Physical Activity

As you exercise, your muscles burn calories to contract. The energy from these calories is mainly used for movement, but some are lost as heat.

This causes people to sweat and get hot during a workout. As the intensity of your exercise increases, more energy is lost in the form of heat.

This means that whilst you are burning more calories through physical activity, you are also burning more calories because you can no longer keep them inside your body.

This helps with fat loss and makes it easier for people to see results quicker than usual.

External Environment

Your body can respond to environmental changes. When the temperature changes, receptors send signals to your brain, and your brain then responds.

The body knows what needs to happen when there’s a drop in temperature. It can make you shiver, which will produce heat and warm up your body, but it won’t make you lose weight.

It is believed that bodybuilders use such supplements to lose fat and get lean muscle.

The best thermogenic fat burner should use components that help you lose weight, like weights and water-cutting ingredients.

The right fat burner supplement should not rely on just one ingredient. It might cause you to lose more fat without harmful effects.

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Thermogenic supplements are designed for people who want to push themselves.

These supplements are not meant for people who do not want to exercise or eat healthy food.

Foods That Promote Thermogenesis

Following are some foods with high levels of thermic effect, meaning they will help you burn more calories during digestion and promote weight loss.

Hot Peppers

hot peppers

Spicy hot peppers are one of the most well-researched and high-potent thermic foods that are available. The spice comes from a compound called capsaicin, which is also responsible for the thermogenic effects of this ingredient.

Research has shown that this spice can help to boost calorie burn and even improve your body’s ability to use fat for fuel.


turmeric powder

Turmeric is a spice that you may know for cooking Indian dishes. It is also thermogenic, which means it helps your body burn more fat.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can help with health and workouts. It can also be an anti-inflammatory, which means it can help you recover from workouts better and has other benefits to your health as well.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is more than just a way to flavour food. It can also be used like peppers that we talked about earlier.

These peppers are spicy and have something called piperine in them. This makes it an excellent thermogenic compound.


There are many benefits to drinking coffee other than just waking up. Caffeine is thermogenic, meaning it helps you burn more calories.

One study found that caffeine increased metabolism by around 11%, and another found that it improved focused fat burning by 13%. It also reduces body fat and improves BMI readings after consistent supplementation with caffeine.


cinnamon powder

Cinnamon is not just a delicious spice; it also helps you to lose weight. Cinnamon can help your body burn fat by acting directly on the cells that store fat.

It also makes you more active, so you burn calories even when you are not doing anything. You need to add some to your yogurt or oatmeal. This combination is a good way to lose weight.


You know that ginger has a spicy, zingy flavour. It is also in a lot of sweet treats and dishes. But did you know that it also contains small amounts of the same compound as hot peppers? That makes them thermogenic.

Ginger is not as hot as cayenne pepper, but it still has enough heat to make you burn. If you add more ginger to your life, you can improve your metabolism and burn fat.

Green Tea

This is a major player in the world of thermogenic foods. Green tea contains two key elements that have both been proven to influence thermogenesis – caffeine and catechins.

green tea

Caffeine has been proven to increase your metabolic rate by up to 11% alone. But, when combined with anti-oxidizing catechins, research has shown this can go up to 17% during moderate exercise.

In one study, researchers found that those regularly supplemented with green tea extract burned an additional 179 calories per day.

This is one of the most popular ingredients to use for thermogenesis. There are many articles about it online, and it has many good benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

In 2009, scientists found that acetic acid, the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar, can help make fat-burning enzymes in your liver.

But don’t drink it straight because it is very acidic and can damage your teeth or esophagus. Dilute it by adding it to something like salad dressing or a cup of water.

Coconut Oil

This cooking oil is different because it can bypass the digestive process (where calories are stored as fat). It goes straight to the liver, where it can be used for fuel.

Coconut oil does not cause weight loss by increasing calorie-burning, but it is not easily stored as fat. It can also replace “bad” fats in your diet and has been associated with decreased belly fat in obese women.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are high in magnesium. Nuts such as almonds, pecans, and pumpkin seeds also contain healthy fats that might reduce belly fat.

These nuts have Omega 3s and monounsaturated fats, which fight inflammation. These nuts can also provide antioxidants to help repair the damage inflammation does.


Whenever you eat food, your body needs the energy to digest the nutrients. This is called the thermic effect of feeding.

Protein is the macronutrient with the highest impact thermic effect because it can take up so much of your body’s energy to digest.

You burn up to 30% of calories consumed when eating protein, but only 3% when eating fat or carbohydrates.

Apart from that, protein is important to build muscles. Muscle burns 6 calories per hour while fat only burns 1–2 calories per hour.

If you have more muscle through resistance training, it will increase your basal metabolism (the amount of energy your body burns during rest).


Can I lose weight by applying heat to my body?

Thermogenics is a process that converts food into energy. Still, it doesn’t produce any caloric expenditure on its own and can be used in conjunction with exercise or dieting for better results. This will usually work if you have at least 15 pounds of fat to burn off – so as soon as you hit your goal, stop using Thermogenesis.

Does eating certain foods make me feel hotter?

Some people experience an increase in their metabolism when they eat spicy foods; however, there’s no scientific evidence proving this claim. What causes an increase in heart rate after eating hot sauce is capsaicin – a chemical found in chilli peppers that will cause you to sweat and feel hot.

Why does my mouth get so dry when I eat spicy food?

A common side effect of eating something too spicy is the production of saliva by our salivary glands. These glands produce less spit if we have eaten a large amount of capsaicin, which causes an increase in heart rate due to sweating.

Even though it’ll be uncomfortable for a little while, this feeling usually goes away after about 20 minutes or so! Filming your food as you’re taking bites can help prevent accidental exposure to extremely high levels of heat.

Can you feel Thermogenesis?

Yes, thermogenic reactions can be felt as a result of increased body temperature.

What causes Thermogenesis?

Thermogenesis is a process in which tissues produce heat that gradually increases the temperature of your entire body. Some types of food are more thermogenic than others: protein-rich foods and fatty acids will cause increased heat production when digested by the stomach.


About Jessica J, M.D

Written & reviewed by Dr. Jessica J. Follow me on Pinterest & LinkedIn.