Our Team

Meet Our Team

Mikael Gomez

Mikael GomezMy name is Mikael Gomez, and I am one of this website’s Chief Health Content Editors.

I have been working with FitnessGraft for a few years and have been awarded 3 times as Best Content Writer.

I took this job after I completed my graduation from Maastricht University. Since I am one of the oldest working employees of FitnessGraft, I have gained a lot of knowledge on health, wellness, and fitness.

You can read mine if you are looking for product reviews ranging from bodybuilding to male enhancement and other product articles. They’re live on the website with the author’s name.

From household ingredients to clinical research and supplements to their side effects, my team and I work a lot to provide an informative article beneficial for you and your health.

You must have come across numerous products, but you might not know about the product, its ingredients, and its manufacturers.

Our goal at FitnessGraft is simple, to give an unbiased review of each product. If the product is good, it is good, if not, then we do not recommend you or any readers.

If I recommend any product, it is mainly because we have received positive customer feedback. Other than that, my team may have used the product, and I deeply study product ingredients, the makers and overall reputation.

Michelle Taylor

Michelle TaylorHello, my name is Michelle, and I have been associated with FitnessGraft for over 10 years. Working as a just content writer to working as Senior Content Writer and Editor now, the journey taught me a lot.

After graduating from Vanderbilt University, I wasn’t sure if I could work for a health and fitness firm, but I did and survived in the best way.

When it comes to working, this organization allows me to write on topics related to health and fitness. I am more curious to learn and study when it comes to new topics. So mostly, you will find me writing on general health topics than product reviews.

Writing and research have helped me develop a skill where I can confidently advise people about their well-being.

I often have to write papers and give recommendations to my patients. Writing here helps me get more involved in the topic.

Jessica J

Jessica JHey, I am Jessica J, M.D, Dermatology. I am the co-founder of this website, and I love writing. Most articles on this website are written and reviewed by me.

I love researching new topics related to health and beauty.

I chose to be a part of this website after I saw my friends become a victim of various scams and snake oil products.

Therefore, I always ask my team to write about dodgy and scam products. This allows us to protect people’s hard-earned money.

When it comes to honest reviews, I am straight and blunt. I won’t recommend any product unless I find it helpful.

Apart from this team, we have a few people operating from our India and Australia offices. Any of us can be contacted using the contact page. It can be good/bad feedback, a request for a product review, a question or just a hello. We love to hear from our readers.